I spent the day on Saturday having conversations about this at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, looking particularly at retention and recruitment of diverse candidates. I think the piece that's really compelling for women is to be reminded over and over again of the powerful work that they're able to do, and that the reason they're here is that they see an opportunity for change and they want to contribute to that.
Every time we've spoken to a woman in office, governing anywhere, from every political party, they've talked about their achievements, and despite all of the burdens and the challenges, they have things to be very proud of. That's absolutely critical to reminding people of why they're here in service. That's how we shift the narrative to help women stay—and men. We need great people doing the phenomenal work that you do. It's thankless, and we appreciate it.
A huge piece of this work is to be reminded and to share it with each other. Those success stories are what are going to continue to propel your efforts forward.