Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and, through you, I'd like to thank the witnesses for being here today.
I want to pick up on that last point from my colleague Mr. Duncan and to clarify, for those who are listening, his claim that the reason this was brought forward was to move the election date to allow more Liberal and NDP MPs who were elected in 2019 to receive a pension. Actually, there are 32 Conservatives who were elected in 2019 who would benefit from this, including the member opposite. It actually would benefit the Conservatives more than it would benefit the NDP and the Liberals, but I digress.
I want to talk a bit about your mention of reducing barriers for participation. This is what this bill is about. I know that after every election and during an election period, I hear often from seniors who have mobility issues: “Is there a way for me to have someone to come to where I am to come and assist me to vote?” It's not something that we have in our long-term care facilities.
Can you elaborate a little on how this would assist those who are in long-term care to participate in their democratic right?