Thank you so much for your question.
I apologize. My French is not so good. I do need to work on that.
I appreciate your question. I'll give kudos to the Bloc, to the NDP and to the Conservatives. It's my understanding that all three parties are against delaying the election to give pensions to more politicians. Kudos to you. I would like to give kudos eventually to every MP on this committee because I hope you will do the right thing and either make the election earlier or make the pension eligibility later.
With respect to motivations behind it, I think there is a perception among the public that they're delaying the election to give millions in pensions to politicians that don't deserve it. Now, I don't think that's the perception. I hope that all MPs on this committee will do the right thing, so that we're able to give kudos to all MPs on this committee. Instead of giving millions in pensions to politicians who don't deserve it, I hope the committee comes forward with two very reasonable solutions, which are to make the election earlier or move the pension eligibility later.