Minister, it's good to see you.
The Conservative leader is the only federal party leader who has been unwilling to get his security clearance. I would describe it as if he's doing a bit of the “wiggle worm” trying to get out of it.
First, we heard the Conservatives say he can't because he would be muzzled. We know that's not true, because every other party leader has gotten the security clearance and has received the briefings.
We also know the next excuse that was given was he already had the clearance from back when he was in the Harper cabinet. We know that's not true, because I asked the former clerk of the Privy Council, Michael Wernick, when he was here many months ago, and he said that if there's a change in life circumstances, a change in job or it has been five years, those background checks have to be redone.
Can we quickly clarify that the current Conservative leader does not have a top secret security clearance?