Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Here we have a situation where 19 parliamentarians, including members of Parliament and senators, were the target of a cyber-attack by the Beijing-directed, Beijing-controlled APT31. Those members of Parliament were kept in the dark for three years by this government.
This government knew about the APT31 attack when it happened in January 2021. Notwithstanding that, there were no efforts made to inform members of Parliament that they were the target of the Beijing regime, and there were no efforts to inform them so that they could take appropriate steps to protect themselves. Indeed, these members of Parliament and senators would have had no idea they were the target of the Beijing regime but for an indictment out of the Department of Justice in the U.S. It was only then that they became aware of the fact that they were the target, and that led to the finding of the Speaker of a prima facie question of privilege, which has now been referred to this committee.
I would note that while members of Parliament were kept in the dark, CSIS; the CSE; the Prime Minister's Office and the Privy Council Office, the Prime Minister's own department; and multiple departments within this government had received briefings about the APT31 attack. Very simply put, there was a complete breakdown in notifying MPs.
This is part of a pattern, because this has happened before. We know that this government was aware that sitting members of Parliament, including MP Michael Chong, were the target of the Beijing regime, yet he was kept in the dark, resulting in a finding of the Speaker of a prima facie question of privilege, which came before this committee and which we studied.
What we have is a government that has been less than transparent, has failed to provide transparency and sunlight and, frankly, has at times outright covered up and turned a blind eye to Beijing's interference.
Following what happened in the case of MP Chong, the Minister of Public Safety in May 2023 issued a directive requiring CSIS to brief MPs if they are the target of foreign interference. It is interesting that following the issuance of that order, there was a briefing of multiple government departments, including the Prime Minister's department, the PCO, about this APT31 attack.
Notwithstanding the order of the House, those departments were briefed, but the sitting members of Parliament continued to be left in the dark. That raises questions about the effectiveness of this order and whether this directive is in fact being followed. It doesn't appear to be something that is being followed by this government. It seems to be—