Mr. Berthold, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to take what you're suggesting at face value, but here is what I imagine is going to happen: Either way Mr. Cooper is about to get the floor again. I presume Mr. Turnbull is then going to raise his hand, and now that I've indicated what the speaking list is he's going to challenge it. Here's what's going to happen.
Mr. Cooper is going to get the floor and then we'll see where things go from there, or we will not come back to this particular point. However, seeing that the time is now after 12—although I am sure that this is exhilarating for our witnesses who are here and have done a fantastic job of not contributing to the discussion despite probably having some very interesting views—I'm going to thank our witnesses. I'm going to relieve them of their duties here because we do have a second panel if and when we get to that.
I want to thank Messieurs Dicaire, Bédard, Janse, McDonell, LeBlanc, and Aubé.
Gentlemen, I'm sorry that we were not able to get into a more substantive discussion with you around the table, but if anybody understands that things can happen in the context of a parliamentary sitting, it would be you folks. Thank you very much for your time.
Mr. Cooper, the floor is yours.