Thank you.
During the Ontario municipal elections held on Diwali in 2022, the City of Brampton had to implement measures to address unprecedented election resignations 24 hours before polls opened.
In 2022, I myself helped on a municipal election campaign in my home community. I was in the challenging position of supporting a candidate who I believe in, but I was unable to spend this special evening with my family. I know I'm not alone in this. I recall seeing on election night as I went door to door, traversing the community, residents leaving the house and lined up to vote in traditional garb, and cars pulled out of driveways already lined with traditional lamps. Despite the observance, there were folks in my community who felt it important to participate in their democratic right to vote. I believe that no one should have to make that choice.
Moreover, amending an election date is not a new concept in Canada. In 2007, the Ontario government amended the election date from October 4 to [Technical difficulty—Editor] because of a conflict with the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret, on which some members of the Orthodox Jewish community would be unable to vote.