That was a question on democratic electoral integrity.
Democracy in elections is under significant threat around the world, so we are all searching for solutions to try to have more integrity in our elections. There are some areas in which Canada is doing very well. There are other areas where more can be done, particularly around nomination contests.
Particularly on the question you asked earlier about adjusting to new technologies, such as AI and others, I'll go back to my testimony at the foreign interference inquiry. It's about adapting to the ever-evolving techniques of those who are hostile to democracy writ large. I think there are a number of different mechanisms in Bill C-65 that, overall, move us closer toward that ideal of electoral integrity, but I believe the Chief Electoral Officer mentioned periodic updates to the act. We had a big one earlier for the Fair Elections Act, in 2018. I would suspect that this committee will be studying another big change in future years, because we'll need to keep on updating to deal with those new challenges.
I think I'll leave it there.