Regarding the suggestions that you've made, I would love to receive more specific information on your proposed changes to Bill C-65 that could address this, if we haven't received them already. If I'm unaware, I apologize.
I guess what I wanted to understand was how AI-generated misrepresentations could really impact public trust in the upcoming election from your view. I think there's a real risk here. I've spoken with some of our world-leading experts in AI, who have said that it's almost an Oppenheimer moment, where you have the new technologies that have been developed, these large language models, etc. The risk is so much higher than it has been in the past with other technologies that they're now focused on how we can put the beast back in the box kind-of-thing because AI presents such a big risk to humanity on multiple levels. One of them is disinformation in electoral systems. That's what Yoshua Bengio said to me in a meeting.
Can you speak to the risk of eroding public trust?