It's a busy weekend for all of us.
Ms. Reusch, in a bit of a different angle, I want to ask you about youth being involved in our democratic process. You mentioned and highlighted in your opening statement about voting, which is obviously very key—getting younger people to cast a ballot.
One of the other things I think is interesting and hasn't been discussed or raised too much yet in our deliberations on Bill C-65 is young people working for Elections Canada and participating through employment, if they're students or looking for part-time work or extra hours.
One of the things I want to raise or flag and maybe get your initial opinion on is clause 31, which is proposed subsection 171(2) of the bill, which would be adding two extra advance poll days. I'll also ask Mr. Mulroy to respond as well, in his work as a lawyer for disability rights. This is regarding young people, those with disabilities and seniors.
Having four days of advance polls now requires somebody to work 48 hours over four days. The polls are open 12 hours per day. By going now to six, which is the way it's written and if Elections Canada doesn't change its employment rules, we're asking a young person, a person with disabilities or a senior to work 72 hours over six days, plus their travel time each day, plus set-up and take down, plus the training.
Do you see that if we don't get some change, or I think what's been done before, we're going to see young people not participate by being able to work the elections and participate in that aspect of our democracy?