Thank you.
My next couple of questions are regarding outbreaks.
I hope we don't have a pandemic-level election or a pandemic-level experience overall, no matter what, let alone around an election, but as I mentioned before, as did several others, outbreak is very common at long-term care facilities, particularly depending on the time of the year. It's a real and continuing concern and always will be. I think the pandemic taught us a lot of things from an elections perspective that could help ensure access to voting.
When we get back to a denial or a decline because a facility has an outbreak, are there any measures that Elections Canada is going to be taking to provide a reassurance to a long-term care administrator? I'll give you an example.
If a facility is in lockdown, you would not be having a voting station where you're going up...but one with plexiglass and things that were common during the pandemic. You would say, “We understand and are sorry to hear that you're in outbreak.” However, even now, newer buildings have certain sections, and they're isolated by section so that residents aren't crossing over. There's the taking of temperatures of employees going in, which was done before, masking, providing plexiglass and doing extra things to provide distance or separation between an electorate and a poll worker. As opposed to its being a hard no and saying, “There's an outbreak. We're four days out. I'm sorry, but we have to cancel the poll at this long-term care facility,” have you thought of being proactive and not only when they request it but if, all of a sudden, there's an outbreak? Have you thought of saying, “In the event that this happens, we believe that we have a protocol that could safely address this”, allowing those people to vote, working with the health and safety protocols but having some best practices at Elections Canada?