I'll start by answering the first question you directed to me.
The recommendation that I mentioned earlier in my opening statement is the fact that our office has had correspondence with the elections commissioner. We've had correspondence indicating where there are shortcomings. We've had correspondence on sharing the concerns that our office is receiving. We've had correspondence regarding the fact that because in the Elections Act it's not necessary to have the Inuit language in the ballots...but recognizing that there are language rights in Nunavut.
So I come with this recommendation to you, which has also been given to Elections Canada, to create and implement a policy and procedure specific to Nunavut to ensure that Elections Canada complies with its obligations. Elections Canada has obligations, and so do federal departments and agencies, that are set out in the Inuit Language Protection Act in Nunavut. ILPA requires Elections Canada to communicate with and provide certain services to the public in the Inuit language.
I'd like to go to a special section of ILPA. Section 3 obligates Elections Canada to use the Inuit language to display public signs, display and issue posters, and provide reception services in client or customer services that are available to the public. There are obligations already for Elections Canada set out in the Inuit Language Protection Act. This policy and procedure that I have recommended not only to the committee but also to Elections Canada is to ensure that they will make sure they are doing their due diligence to ensure that they are following what they're obligated to do under the Inuit Language Protection Act.
Does that answer your question, Mrs. Block?