I thank you for those comments.
Today we have the following witnesses. That was a perfect segue to let everyone know that Ms. Aariak, the Languages Commissioner of Nunavut, is with us.
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated is here. Aluki Kotierk is the president.
We have, from First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Youth Network, Monsieur Cédric Gray-Lehoux and Monsieur Shikuan Vollant.
We're going to take a few minutes so that everyone can make their comments.
I do tend to have about five minutes for opening comments. I will just let everyone know, because we have new and returning members, that we are continuing in the hybrid format. If you have something of substance the committee needs to share, I won't be very flexible with time. Please do take this time for committee members to be able to gain from the expertise and knowledge that you are providing.
With that, I will pass the screen over to Karliin Aariak.
Commissioner, welcome.