I thank you both for that exchange.
I will just state that I am a chair who tries to have comments go through the chair because it's challenging for interpreters to translate otherwise.
As we have these conversations on language.... I know you had two and a half minutes. We provided you with four minutes and 22 seconds because it's important that we have these exchanges. In future, I would just be mindful of our guests who join us to provide us with information. We're not in a traditional courtroom.
I would like to thank our witnesses for your thoughtful comments. If there is anything else you would like our committee to consider, please do not hesitate to provide it in writing to us.
I really want to say that it was quite informative. I hope you keep well and safe. I hope the sun shines more often in April than not—and we look forward to continuing this important work, all of us together.
With that, we'll be switching over to the second panel. We'll take a 30-second pause so we can test the mikes.
Thank you.