Thank you so much.
I provided a lot of leniency and I thought you might get to the point, but we'll have plenty of time to exchange.
I want to thank you for your opening comments and for your presence here at committee.
We will have our first round of six minutes, starting with Mrs. Block, who will be followed by Mr. Naqvi.
We will now turn it over to Ms. Gaudreau and, finally, to Mr. Johns.
I want to point out that the motion that was referred to by Councillor McKenney was not shared with this committee. We do not have it in both official languages, so at this time I cannot share it. It is publicly available through a quick search, but I want to make sure that we're not suggesting that committee members have access to something that we have not yet officially been sent.
Mrs. Block, there are six minutes to you, through the chair. Thank you.