Sure. Absolutely. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I appreciate it.
The first top-line finding is that there is actually overwhelming support among MPs to continue to allow remote voting: 79% of respondents either somewhat or strongly agree that members on parental leave should be able to vote remotely. That was the highest for all the questions we asked about. It had the highest level of support on any of the issues. There's a high degree of support for continuing to allow remote voting.
The second relevant finding is that, unprompted, quite a few of the respondents indicated that they supported the continuation of hybrid parliamentary proceedings. In the survey, we included an open-ended question asking if there were other measures that should be considered to make Parliament more family-friendly. More than a third of the folks who provided a response in that field said that making the hybrid option permanent was an important tool that would help MPs balance work and family commitments.
The last piece I want to highlight that I think is relevant to our considerations here is that women MPs were significantly more likely than men to say that it's very difficult to be both a good parent and a good politician. Women MPs are reporting having a harder time reconciling parenthood and political life. Essentially, this provides us with additional confirmation that keeping a hybrid option will actually help make it easier for women in particular to serve in Parliament, since women who are parents, more so than men who are parents, do appear to be experiencing that barrier to participation more acutely.
Those are the very top-line findings that I think are relevant to what we're thinking about here today.