Thank you for those comments.
Thank you to all members and our witnesses for this important conversation.
I think the points that were just raised are also really relevant, because I'm understanding more and more the amount of work you do and for whom you're all doing it. It's not just for the House of Commons, but also for cabinet, for departments. I think you helped me amend some of the information I had in my head, and you've actually countered it.
I think we need to better understand the work you do, how you do it and who you do it for. If you could provide us with those details and actually differentiate between the conversation that we are having for the House of Commons versus all of your other commitments, I think that would better inform us as to where the harms are, and the opportunities, and how we can have the conversation we're having.
Thank you so much for your service.
I hope you know how much I adore you people. I really do try my best to make sure you—