Thank you.
Perhaps with the exception of select circumstances, we recommend that remote participation be available for all MPs at any time. This is to mitigate the liabilities of “in group” versus “out group” dynamics developing. I think it's important for us to think about the way we live in the context of how we work. We engage in a lot of virtual forums of connection and communication. Through group chats by text, for instance, a lot of us stayed connected, especially during the worst stages of the pandemic. There are parallels from that that we can bring into the world of work, where we can foster meaningful relationships, collegiality and connection. Just because it's virtual, that doesn't mean it's not real.
This is an important parallel to the online harms conversation. When we talk about toxicity online and we qualify it as online, there's a diminishing element to it, as if it isn't real. There's a profound and important way for us to build connection through virtual technologies, through text and through meetings like this, which are extremely valuable and efficient.
Another dimension for us to consider here is the incredible cost savings. It's wonderful for people to be able to get together with their colleagues, conduct business, share information and develop relationships, but with a reduction in travel comes an opportunity to reduce expenses to the public purse and an opportunity to redirect resources back to constituents and back to communities.
There's also the fact that a healthy MP, one whose health, mental health and overall well-being are cared for in a sustainable manner, will be a more functional and effective person. MPs are people, and we need to factor that into this design.