Currently, no. It would just show that a member has participated, spoken and voted. With committees there would be a record to show in what medium the committee was meeting, so they'd be tagged as in person, virtual or hybrid, but it would be very transparent to anybody who was watching the broadcast or watching our Senedd TV to see the medium by which the member was participating.
Something that did come up in the review that the business committee undertook was some unhappiness about voting electronically if one had not been present in a debate at all, but then the counter to that was that this can happen anyway with physical participation. It seemed that some of the arguments being put in favour or against virtual participation equally apply to physical participation. That was something we worked through in terms of members just being cognizant of their responsibilities to be present for a debate if they were going to vote in a debate, or to be present for the entirety of a committee session, for example. That wasn't particular to the virtual or the hybrid.