In terms of the events we witnessed in the capital this past season, I think they went off very well. We had events like the Ottawa Jazz Festival in Confederation Park. We had the Ottawa Bluesfest at LeBreton Flats Park, and, of course, we had the Canada Day celebrations and National Indigenous Peoples Day.
I think the experience was positive. People understood that Wellington Street was closed, so they made their plans with that in mind. We have an interest, shared I'm sure with the City of Ottawa, in increasing use of the Ottawa Light Rail Transit. There's an understanding now, as the city moves to its phase two extension of that project, that more and more we want citizens who are coming to events in the core of Canada's capital to arrive there by other means than private vehicle, whether it's transit, walking or cycling.
The Wellington Street closure was well known, and as a consequence we didn't see the kinds of tie-ups we might otherwise have expected.