Mr. Julian, you actually have the floor. Because Mr. Berthold is choosing to move another point of order, the floor will be returned to you because you have the floor.
What we talked about earlier, before we get into points of order that are not actually points of order.... Three, almost four hours ago, I suggested that if we wanted to be reasonable and find a path forward, we should be talking to each other and finding that path forward. Clearly, something was not able to happen, and that's why we are having this here. If we want to be reasonable, as people who are choosing to use words as convenient to them, we can get to our work and get it all done. That's the way the committee has always operated.
Mr. Julian, rest assured that you have the floor. If somebody is concerned with this, they know the standing orders and how they can proceed.
We have Mr. Berthold on a point of order.