I call the meeting back to order. Welcome back to the procedure and House affairs committee.
We're resuming our meeting. I would like to welcome Minister Joly and Minister LeBlanc.
Thank you for coming.
Accompanying the ministers today we have, from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Tara Denham, director general of the office of human rights, freedoms and inclusion, and Jennie Chen, executive director of greater China political and coordination. From the Privy Council Office, we have Allen Sutherland, assistant secretary to the Cabinet, machinery of government and democratic institutions.
As reminder, all comments are to go through the chair. The better you keep this meeting going, the more quickly it goes. A lot of it is in your hands.
With that, Ministers, if you can signal to me who would like to go first and if we can, as always, keep our comments tight....
Minister Joly, it's a pleasure to have you back. Thank you for taking the time. The floor is yours.