Thank you.
The truth is, for my riding, it's not going to be profound. I empathize with my colleagues, because I think there are profound impacts on my colleagues, not so much for me.
To me, we do this every 10 years. This is an opportunity to get it right. It's not that anything terrible is going to happen to Vancouver Kingsway. It's just that something so much better could happen, so much more logical.
I'll just hold this map up and show you. This is Kingsway. Kingsway used to have this piece here. In 2015, they removed that piece and just kept the boundary at 41st. For some reason, instead of going into Burnaby, now the boundaries commission has moved this piece here.
I guess this kind of picks up the question from our Bloc Québécois colleague. This part here is historically South Asian. If you go up Main Street, you start getting into what has historically been called Punjabi Market, which starts at 47th Street, whereas this riding goes to 49th Street. It starts dividing Punjabi Market, which I think is a problem for my colleague in Vancouver South.
My proposal is to just add this piece here to Vancouver Kingsway, which has the benefit of actually aligning the western boundary of Kingsway with the east-west divider of Vancouver. It just makes so much more sense.