Thank you for the question.
You'll see in my submission on page 10 a map that will illustrate this as well. It just shows all of the public amenities that are right in the centre of this area, the area that's going to be on each side of the boundary that's been proposed to be changed.
To your point, there are a lot of seniors who live in this area, and the main advance polling site is actually right on the boundary of where the boundary commission has proposed it being set. This is very concerning, because that is one of the most fundamental times for our democracy. These are folks who may not know which district they're going to be voting in. That concerns me greatly.
It's not a natural boundary, because it is simply a street in the middle of the community, right in the core, which in no other scenario has been separating communities. In terms of where you're going to church and where you're going to your seniors activity centre, the biggest church and the biggest seniors activity centre would be on opposite sides of the boundary. This is likely to cause a lot of confusion. I don't think that's good for democracy. That could have a major impact on voting turnout as well.