Those are interesting ideas, and I appreciate those sentiments and comments.
Based on the last panel, which I found really interesting—I noticed you happened to be in the back of the room, listening in—I am struck by how much the tools we use to consume information have changed our democracy fundamentally. It's not even a slow drip of information that we're consuming. It's a fast drip. We're sucking on the firehose of information, and it's interesting how that changes the discourse.
I find it troubling to think and to hear from multiple witnesses that we're not able to determine what is true from what is false in that online information space and that we're consuming it in the way we do.
Do you have any ideas about how we can address that? It seems to me that it is really at the forefront of the threat environment that we haven't yet responded to. We've heard about it in terms of the CSIS Act.
I wonder whether you have any ideas.