Thank you.
We definitely had other witnesses come before this committee throughout this process and mention a feeling of disenfranchisement with the second step of this process. The first step allowed the public to come before the commission to make statements. However, if the second version ends up deviating so far from what the first version is, you couldn't possibly predict that outcome in order to proactively come in during the first stage to make your points heard. That's definitely happened in my scenario, and I know that's happened for many members who have come before PROC.
I believe there should be some form of public consultation that takes place after the second version comes out, in addition to this process here at PROC. We have seen that this process here at PROC—no offence to the committee—is not often yielding successful results. There should be something else.
Plus, the public should be made more aware of the process to begin with. Even in the first step, there were many people in my community—a highly immigrant population—who had no idea the consultations even took place.