Thank you. I'm sure you will.
I want to say a few things about some of the people who made submissions and from whom we're not going to get to hear before the final draft report.
Michael Chong had a submission. In his riding, where the boundary is redrawn, three houses that pay taxes to the municipality were excluded. He's asking that they be made whole. I don't object to that.
I know Irek Kusmierczyk wants a name change as well, to add “Lakeshore” to his Windsor—Tecumseh name. It makes sense, because he has a huge portion of Lakeshore. Again, I don't have an issue with that.
Then there were a number of MPs who wrote in to say they liked the redrawn maps. If the committee is going to put in any commentary on what we could do to improve the process, it might be worthwhile to allow people to.... There's no forum to do anything but object, so it might be a good idea to have an ability for people to say, “Yes, I think this map is okay.” It's validation for the commissioners that they did a reasonable job.
How much time do I have left?