I appreciate that. As a follow-up to that, when we look at draft recommendations, there may be a case for taking a look at perhaps recommending that the commissioner give some better or clearer guidelines on that casework. I think the same thing as well with infrastructure projects. Mr. Gerretsen said [Inaudible—Editor] start at the municipal level, and Mr. Barrett did as well. We get asked if we can you support this community centre funding or this road project we're submitting. Again, it's the same thing: If we're saying, well, I think this project will be best for my community versus not providing one to another municipality, where is that line drawn as well?
I don't have the answer on that today, but I do think it may be something for us to consider providing clarity on, because as we look at the definition of “family”, you can concretely say whether or not that includes your second cousin twice removed. The issue of discussing friends, as I've mentioned before, is where we get into that.... A supporter of ours who volunteered or took a lawn sign in our campaign suddenly comes into our office to say, hey, I happen to have my cousin or my family looking to come here. Providing that letter starts to cause a grey area. I just think in the optics of it we need to be very clear of what is and what is not allowed in casework and that we know some of those differentiations.
I'll leave it at that.