Good morning. I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number seven of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.
The committee is meeting today to continue our review of the conflict of interest code for members.
I would like to remind all participants that no screenshots or photos of your screen are permitted. Given the ongoing pandemic situation, all those attending the meeting in person should be adhering to the public health guidelines. There is no one who is joining us here for the first time, so I will not go onto the details so that I can ensure that we can maximize our time with our guests.
I will ask that all comments and responses be made through the chair. The more that happens, the less I will interrupt, and then we can maximize our time here together.
We have our Clerk, Mr. Charles Robert, as well as our Law Clerk, Mr. Philippe Dufresne, joining us today.
Combined, you will have 10 minutes for your opening comments, so I will pass the floor now to you.
Welcome to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.