I think it is crucial to first rebuild trust. Many in the diaspora don't believe in intelligence or security agencies anymore because when we do report incidents, they fail to inform us of any progress or anything.
The first step is repairing that relationship. Some of it is having some transparency in how they operate, showing some transparency about our cases and about progress in dealing with someone who's harassing us or intimidating us. The diaspora deserves to know what kinds of threats they are encountering.
I also hesitate to look at everything from an intelligence angle as well, because some of this is happening outside of the legal jurisdiction. In the threat against me, for example, they only said, “We're coming to get you.” They never said what that was for, so that kind of falls into the grey zone: Even if I do report it to intelligence or to the RCMP, it may not actually initiate any change because they don't see it as a criminal activity.
I do believe we need to be a bit more creative and look at other solutions as well.