I think the minister's directive comes a bit too late. Clearly, foreign interference poses a major threat, and Canada isn't the only target. Other democracies are being targeted as well.
That's why I think the government needs to deploy a lot more tools to tackle foreign interference.
For that reason, I think the government needs to expeditiously introduce legislation for a foreign agents registry.
We need to reconcile the problematic definitions of foreign interference in the Security of Information Act and in the CSIS Act. They are different from each other. We need to reconcile the security community's definition of foreign interference with the RCMP's definition. We need to ensure that the RCMP has the resources it needs to prosecute not just foreign interference but espionage, as we've seen recently with the Hydro-Québec case and the recently botched case, I might add, of a former employee of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in the Prairies.
There are a whole range of things that need to have been done yesterday to protect us from foreign interference and espionage.