Madam Chair and members of the committee, thank you for this invitation to appear.
In this brief opening statement, I want to address three issues. To begin, I want to support the call by member of Parliament Michael Chong for change to strengthen the Canadian national security and intelligence system. That call has been echoed in the first report from the special rapporteur David Johnston, who described the mishandling of intelligence with regard to known threats to Mr. Chong as “certainly the most prominent, but not the only, example of poor information flow and processing between agencies, the public service and Ministers.”
Mr. Johnston's analysis, as you know, will be open to critique by those who are able to read his classified annex, including the review bodies. This issue will also be taken up in the public hearings that Mr. Johnston has planned, which I regard as an important opportunity to come up with fresh ideas for reforming Canadian intelligence.
As we consider necessary changes to the machinery of government to ensure better intelligence flows, we must also look more broadly to the performance of what is often called the intelligence cycle, which includes intelligence collection, analysis, and reporting. Improving the machinery of government alone will not fix deficiencies in this broader intelligence cycle, or produce change to what is often referred to as a deficient culture of intelligence in the federal government.
Second, Mr. Chong, in his testimony before this committee, spoke of action taken by the British security service, MI5, in 2022 to alert the U.K. Parliament to the activities of a British lawyer of Chinese descent, named Christine Lee, who was identified by MI5 as a Chinese agent of influence. Such actions by British intelligence are extremely rare.
CSIS has available powers under statute, known as threat reduction measures, to use against identified actors engaged in foreign interference, and can deploy such measures even against the so-called sensitive sectors, including the political arena, long identified in CSIS policy. However, any threat of using threat reduction measures to publicly name and shame individuals, while potentially effective, must be guarded against abuse. We only have to recall the infamous case of a highly respected Canadian diplomat, E. Herbert Norman, who was driven to commit suicide by a relentless McCarthy ad campaign against him that falsely accused him of being a Communist agent of influence.
Third, I want to draw your attention to the ministerial directive issued on May 16 by the public safety minister in response to the Michael Chong case. That directive emphasizes the need for CSIS to “investigate all threats to the security of Canada that target Parliament and parliamentarians” and to ensure, whenever possible, that parliamentarians are informed about such threats directly. It also requires that CSIS inform the Minister of Public Safety about such threats “in a timely manner”.
While this is an appropriate expression of ministerial accountability, I want to register a hypothetical concern about the potential politicization of intelligence if a minister in any future government gets too drawn into a decision-making role in such matters. At the political level, it would also be important to ensure that the Prime Minister is similarly apprised of any such threat reporting, even if this is not spelled out explicitly in the ministerial directive. At the senior public service level, a dual key system, with the second key being held by the national security and intelligence adviser, might be worth considering.
I have a final note on intelligence challenges in terms of dealing with foreign interference, which I think is not well captured in most media reporting. Intelligence has to understand threat actor intentions, capabilities, and opportunities. These are all distinct elements, and intentions—which can be captured, for example, in communications among Chinese consular officials—do not always translate into capabilities on the ground. Monitoring opportunities for interference operations is also important for timely intelligence. Without timely intelligence, the effort is wasted.
Thank you for this opportunity. I welcome any questions.