Thank you, Madam Chair.
Mr. German, I'd like to start with you. You're probably one of Canada's most credible experts on dirty money, so I'd like to talk to you about dirty money. We know Beijing likes to throw their money around. They throw it around for influence. We've heard stories in the past where politicians may accept Beijing cash for access: fundraising, donations to foundations, pet projects, things along those lines.
I think it's important that Canadians know where the money comes from. I was wondering if you could explain how the funnelling of money from Beijing works. I'm reading Sam Cooper's book Wilful Blindness, and I think it should be mandatory reading for anybody who's interested in this particular topic. I was wondering, could you tell the committee about what Sam Cooper coined in his book Wilful Blindness as the “Vancouver model”? Could you explain that to us?