Thank you, Madam Chair, for the question.
The second thing I tried to say, in addition to how it was not a report that was intended to spur action, is that when someone like me reads that report, we have awareness that it is based on underlying intel. There are other reports that have been sifted through and analyzed that build up to this assessment.
I actually have a fairly high degree of confidence in our security agencies that if there's an action that needs to be taken because of a development, something that shows up in intel, they will take that action.
Jody Thomas was very clear that in the intel, when it first surfaced, with respect to the MPs in February and March 2021, there was no physical threat. There was some alarming information. It's up to others in the system to determine how loud that alarm is ringing and what actions are required to be taken.
In answer to your question, Madam Chair, when someone like me reads it, we can be quite certain that others already know the information and have taken action on it, or it wouldn't be buried in an assessment report.