Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Mr. Morrison, through you, Madam Chair, I am absolutely astounded and, frankly, disturbed by your testimony and your singular refusal to accept responsibility as the then national security and intelligence adviser to the Prime Minister on what amounts to a colossal breakdown, to put it charitably.
You cited page 27 of Mr. Johnston's report in which an IMU, noting that MP Chong had been targeted by Beijing, had been sent to the Minister of Public Safety, except for the fact that the Minister of Public Safety didn't receive that IMU, nor did his deputy minister and chief of staff.
In fact, Mr. Johnston, at page 28 of his report, which I hope you have bothered to read, characterized it as the most prominent example of poor information flow. You said in your testimony that the system functioned properly.
How can you say that in the face of that?