We are very interested in information like that. Given what you knew as the national security advisor, we would be interested in knowing what you disagreed with from the report. I won't ask any other questions about it. However, if possible, I would appreciate it if you could inform the committee of the points about which you disagreed, because the core of the problem is in fact the transfer of information.
We heard talk about a black hole when Jody Thomas appeared, about messages that were not reaching the intended recipient, even when it was the minister or the Prime Minister. So it's important. I'm putting myself in the shoes of the people currently watching us as we discuss the process.
For example, you signed a briefing note in June 2017. The final note, the one read by the Prime Minister, was one which in an earlier version was about the financing of a network of candidates. However, it's not clear who requested the briefing note or who worked on them. How does it work? Who approves them? Who makes the decisions at the end of the line? It's your signature on it, but who ultimately decides which are actually sent to the Prime Minister? How many people would be involved in these notes? Who are they? Are any of them political?