Thank you for that because one of the things I found interesting about your testimony was that your department, the group, was looking at the by-elections and then found something about another MP. That's a bit concerning to me because it's sort of like, if there were not any by-elections, that information could have been out there and we would not have been aware of it. We wouldn't be sitting where we are right now. In fact, MPs would still be under a level of threat that, I think, is concerning.
I'm just wondering if there are any recommendations that you have around how we can be gathering that information so that we're not put into this position as a Parliament. It is important that this place actually protect its members.
The other part is that it took quite a while. I'm curious about.... With a much larger election, instead of just a few by-elections, if it takes two months to get that information clarified—and I understand that you don't want to just throw it out there and create chaos without having that clarity of information—how is this place, or Canada, going to be able to do it so that, during an election, information is made clear so that this doesn't take over an election and cause people to lose because of massive misinformation? I would hate to be going through the incredible work of an election in any role that you play and then finding out at the end that there was a targeted attack that created so much misinformation that your election was then questionable.