Thank you, Madam Chair.
I have a couple of questions. Since I have such a short time, maybe I'll ask both of them and then let you do your best to answer.
First of all, I agree that this needs to be dealt with urgently. It's not just about protecting MPs; it's also about protecting democracy and candidates. Could you share a little bit about what lessons were learned from the by-elections and how that is impacting the next steps to prepare for ongoing elections?
I noticed in your response to me last time around that you talked a lot about how Canadians need to understand misinformation, and you implied that we kind of are. I'll tell you that in my riding I'm seeing an increase in misinformation and in people being very confused and sometimes very angry and frustrated based on things that are totally misinformation. The resources to help support people are not easy to find. I'm wondering about the work you do, especially around human rights, freedoms and inclusion, which is really about educating people so they know what's coming at them and how to decipher that.
I want to know about lessons learned and what's happening around actually educating Canadians.