Thank you for putting your position on the record.
I do hear that this is the matter that we would like to deal with next. I think there are details in what you're suggesting, and I think committee members need to determine what the best approach is. I think members are hearing what members are saying. I encourage those conversations to continue.
With that, I will be continuing with the work of the day. I would like to welcome, from the Treasury Board Secretariat, Mike MacDonald, senior assistant deputy minister, office of the chief information officer. He is here in his former capacity as the former acting national security and intelligence adviser to the Prime Minister.
Mr. MacDonald, we appreciate your responding to our request to appear again so quickly. It means a lot to us. I know that it adds a lot onto your schedule, but you bring us insights and information that are important to the work that this committee is doing.
With that, we welcome you to PROC. You will have up to five minutes for your opening statement. Then we will proceed to questions.