Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you to the committee for the invitation to speak to you today. Excuse my voice; I hope it holds out.
I believe you have a copy of MCL's brief on literacy and employability. In a minute I'll highlight some of the points from that brief, but before I do, it would be a betrayal of the literacy community and the millions of Canadians who struggle with literacy challenges if I didn't speak to the implications of the $7.7 million in cuts to federal literacy programming announced earlier this week.
Ironically, the title of our brief is “Literacy is the Foundation”. These cuts are taking a jackhammer to that foundation. The specific area that was cut was the local and regional stream, where the National Literacy Secretariat had worked for years in building partnerships with provinces and territories and with the community to build capacity in a field that has never had the resources to be able to meet the needs. The funding support is not direct delivery—which, as you know, is a provincial matter—but outreach, professional development for educators, curriculum and materials development, research, promotion, and, as I said, the development of those partnerships that leveraged increasing support from provincial and territorial governments and businesses in the community.
The work of developing those partnerships has to be done by infrastructure organizations, which never existed before the literacy secretariat was there. The provincial and territorial literacy coalitions were told yesterday that all funding to provincial and territorial organizations and all kinds of projects was gone—with no consultation. Anyway, I don't want to go too far down that road, but literacy is the foundation of employability and I'm sure you understand why we're so gobsmacked by this new development.
These cuts come at a time when the need for literacy investment has never been greater. Four out of ten working-age Canadians have literacy levels below the benchmark considered necessary for success in today's society. Far from creating efficiencies, these cuts are dismantling the infrastructure that was built cooperatively by all levels of government and the literacy community, and they will set us back years in our ability to meet the literacy challenges of Canadians.
The cuts will hurt less literate Canadians whose access to quality literacy programming is already uneven across the country.
The cuts contradict the advice of this very committee, which called in 2003 for an end to the patchwork approach to adult literacy, highlighted the need for a national vision on a pan-Canadian strategy, and called for increased investment.
Turning back to employability specifically, the cuts also aren't in keeping with the government and this committee's goal to improve employability and grow the economy.
I will just highlight a few of the points in our brief on the relationship between literacy and employability. Today's labour market demands higher literacy skills than ever before, even in entry-level positions. Jobs that don't require much reading and writing are disappearing, while there are skill shortages in the more specialized, knowledge-intensive jobs. Due to a declining birth rate and an aging workforce, we need all hands on deck.
People with lower levels of literacy are more likely to be unemployed. That's a no-brainer, but it's a major factor in determining employability. They're more likely to lose their jobs and less likely to find new employment. Adults with low literacy skills have only a 50% chance of finding another job, even after 52 weeks of unemployment.
Strong literacy skills are needed for job-related training and advancement. Again, it's a stepping stone; you can't get to employment if you haven't had job specific training, and literacy is a prerequisite for that.
Employees with higher literacy skills earn more. Again, I know it's all simple, but the higher their literacy proficiency, the more workers are likely to earn. Among people at the top literacy level, just under a third of men, but half of all women, were earning over $60,000 a year.
Improving literacy skills has a positive effect on all aspects of a person's life and contributes to wider social benefits. The Conference Board of Canada and others have cited benefits of workforce literacy programs, including improved literacy skills, of course, but also greater employee self-confidence, better problem-solving skills, better team-building skills, increased ability to use technology, increased participation in other training, increased health and safety, and improved labour-management relations. Workers have reported being better able to help their children in school and that they get more involved in their communities.
Improved literacy is not only directly linked to labour market productivity but to federal priorities such as better outcomes for children, better aboriginal development, and better integration of newcomers. I could go on.
I have a page of recommendations specific to literacy and employability in my brief, and I encourage you to look at them later. But after the cuts announced this week, my only recommendation to you today is to do everything in your power to get these cuts reversed, not only to literacy but also to the workplace skills training strategy, which also had employability and literacy as a key focus.
Thank you.