At this point, no dollars have been cut from our organization. We have two contracts through the social development partnerships program. We were very surprised by all of this. We had no inclination that these were coming. When we heard it in the media, we actually had to scramble around trying to find somebody who could tell us whether we were being cut.
We will be allowed to carry on the two research projects we are engaged in. Overall, it's not the CCAAC that's going to be harmed by this. We will survive.
In response to the chill factor people have spoken about, I want to assure you that when we met with our members, who came from coast to coast to coast to discuss this issue and its impact on them, we talked about whether or not we would take a lower profile. Our decision was: in for a penny, in for a pound.
If there's one thing you can't take away, it's our voice.