Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And thank you very much for organizing this panel, which I think, in its makeup, is representative of the fact that Canada is a pluralistic society, one in which the power of the state is restrained by active and engaged citizens who join into groups to accomplish their aims. I realize that this restraint on the power of the state is very disappointing for my friends across the way who have just come into government, but it's a reality that those of us on the Liberal side are very aware of and one that I think makes Canada a much richer country.
We see before us, Mr. Chairman, a network--kind of a virtual network--connecting scholars doing research, volunteers, who are often working to fill gaps in our human service sector, workers trying to maximize their ability to contribute, and students trying to move forward.
One of the witnesses was surprised by the cuts. I think that would suggest that the person did not live in Ontario when we had the same finance minister, because surprise is one of their favourite tactics. Those of us who lived through it have simply been waiting for the axe to fall, and I would predict that the next budget will be a hundred times worse.
So yes, I do think it's sending a message, Mr. Martin. We've all heard of the book and the movie that came out called Manufacturing Consent.
Now, considering what Mr. Regan said about squelching advocacy and that kind of thing, I'd like somebody to comment on whether this set of cuts, probably followed by further cuts, could be interpreted not as manufacturing consent, but rather as crushing dissent and the capability of citizens to express their dissent with government programs.
Then I'd like to ask Mr. Kroeger a question. If the government continues in a direction that is symbolized by these cuts--that is, cutting the work of scholars and the information they can provide, cutting the work of the Labour Congress, cutting help to students, and so on--what do you think, Mr. Kroeger, the result will be for social cohesion in this country?
That's all I have.