Thank you.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Bonnie Kennedy, and I am the executive director of the Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment. I would like to begin my remarks with two questions for panel members.
First of all, I would like to ask you to reflect upon your current skills and abilities and try remember whether you acquired them in school or learned them as a result of work and life experience.
The second question I would like to ask you to think about is an iceberg floating in the waters near St. John's, Newfoundland. Apparently only a small part of icebergs, perhaps 10% to 25%, can be seen by the naked eye. The rest is under water. If you could picture the iceberg and consider the visible part above the water as representing formal credentialed learning and the submerged part as representing experiential or informal learning, would you want to explore a process that helps adults uncover the submerged 75% of their hidden skills and abilities?
If your answer to the first question was that you learned from experience rather than school, and if you think Canada as a nation could make use of all the experiential learning hidden inside every Canadian, then you understand the premise upon which prior learning assessment and recognition is based.
Prior learning assessment and recognition--the acronym is PLAR, and I will continue to use that acronym--is the process of identifying, documenting, and evaluating informal learning acquired through work and life experience. It challenges the notion that the only learning that really counts is that which is taught in the classroom. PLAR is a bridging and transitioning tool that enables adults to continuously build on their past learning accomplishments and to have their learning recognized in the workplace, in academic institutions, and by occupational bodies.
Many Canadians have had the privilege of completing an apprenticeship, college program, or university program, but many more have not, because of financial difficulties, personal challenges, lack of interest during teenage years, and/or family responsibilities. Those without a credential often label themselves as “stupid” because they do not have a piece of paper to prove their competence.
Imagine what would happen if a PLAR process were readily available, so that people could prove their experiential learning by getting recognition and credit for what they already know and can do, thereby reducing the time and money required for credential completion. Imagine how useful it would be to an employer to have a PLAR system that could assist in determining levels of workplace competencies.
PLAR is an innovative system for measuring experiential learning and represents a significant departure from our traditional education and training systems, which have been designed primarily for children and youth. This is why PLAR needs your support and nurturing. Adults have a lifetime of learning experience, the value of which is significant for our economic growth and social cohesion; it is the hidden iceberg of adult learning, which can be uncovered through PLAR.
What is the Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment? CAPLA is a national incorporated not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to adult learning and to formal recognition of learning achievements by employers, colleges, universities, and occupational bodies. It has been operating since 1994 and undertakes PLAR research, professional development, workshops, and conferences; hosts online communities of practice; and assists practitioners, adults, and immigrants looking for ways to improve learning recognition assessment in Canada. We have over 300 members across the country and abroad.
How and when is prior learning assessment and recognition used? PLAR tools can be used by business and industry to determine what a person knows and can do when diplomas and degrees may not tell the whole story. Essential skills for the workplace can be demonstrated and measured in flexible yet rigorous ways using PLAR processes.
Sector councils use PLAR to assess competencies. Colleges and universities can use PLAR to determine if someone should receive academic credit for their experiential learning if it is considered to be equivalent to classroom learning.
Such academic credit for prior learning can dramatically affect the time and costs associated with obtaining credentials, thus making a return to formal learning more appealing. PLAR can also be used to assess workplace skills of immigrants to Canada and is an important addition to international credential assessment services available in a number of provinces in Canada.
Asking someone to demonstrate their knowledge and skills or to produce an evidence-based learning portfolio are effective ways of assessing prior learning. Learning portfolios have a variety of uses that include self-assessment, career planning, personal professional development, and preparation approved competencies for employment and job search. Wherever and whenever a standard is established, learning can be evaluated against the standard.
However, without a reliable prior learning assessment and recognition system in place, evaluation and recognition can be subjective, unreliable, and non-transferable.
Why is PLAR an important employability strategy for Canada? The recognition of prior learning is a critical component for the development of Canada's labour force and for capacity building in our communities. However, before we can utilize the existing knowledge and skills of our citizens and newcomers, we must discover what those competencies and talents are. Likewise, before working Canadians can increase their own employability, they must reflect, articulate, and document their knowledge skills and abilities, which takes time and effort.
What needs to happen? First, I think we need to ask some fundamental questions. Would Canada benefit from having a PLAR system and PLAR services to help mature Canadians and immigrants articulate and prove the depth of their learning? Is it enough to simply look at academic credentials alone as proof of learning? Can Canada afford to waste the knowledge and skills of its citizens at a time of skill shortages across the country, by not assessing and recognizing prior learning? Should adults be required to start at the beginning of a pro forma or university program each time they want to go back to formal learning?
If the answers to some of these questions are yes, the standing committee may want to consider the following suggestions: the development of a pan-Canadian adult learning assessment and recognition strategy; the establishment of national standards and guidelines for prior learning assessment, in order to ensure quality practice, transferability, and mobility; and the provision of core and targeted of funding for prior learning assessment and national leadership in this area.
Prior learning assessment services will enhance employability for the individual for the paid and unpaid labour force, and for Canada as a whole. Without it, we will be wasting our most valuable natural resources: the skills and knowledge of our citizens.
Thank you.