The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum two years ago released a study called “Accessing and Completing Apprenticeship Training in Canada: Perceptions of Barriers”. There are a few problems with apprenticeships overall.
One problem is that there is no coherent apprenticeship system in Canada. So you can be an electrician in Ontario, but if you want to go to B.C. to work in construction for the Olympics, your trade or your qualifications may not be recognized. So the fact that apprenticeship is balkanized and provincialized makes it very difficult for apprentices and journey-persons to move. It makes it hard to recognize skills, and it speaks again to the skills shortage. Whether it's skills shortage or people shortage, I don't know the answer to that question.
Another problem with apprentices is that you can go to a college and do your training, but you will have great difficulty finding an employer. Even though you have great training and you may be certified in your trade, the barrier is that employers don't see apprenticeship as an investment; they see it as a cost.
Another recent study from the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum on the return of training investment shows that for every dollar spent on training an apprentice you get $1.38 back. So it is an investment and there's a return on your investment. But we need to change the mindset, the paradigm around training apprentices, find ways to encourage support and allow employers to hire apprentices, and not see them as a drain on their resources.
We have a whole lack of a culture of training in Canada. In OECD surveys that come out, we're usually somewhere between 23 and 26 among developed countries in what we invest in training our workers. Many employers have a perception that their workers are supposed to arrive completely trained and ready to do the job. Who's supposed to supply that training remains a question. So that's another shift we need to make.
Everybody wants to be a carpenter or an electrician, and the trades we need people to move into are less sexy or less popular. We need to find ways to encourage parents to understand that the trades are incredibly lucrative. Would I be happy if my children had gone into the trades and could support me in my old age so I wouldn't have to worry about retiring--which I can't do because I'm still paying their university fees? Yes, I would be really happy if they had become tradespeople. I have an actor and a dancer. I'm going to be paying for them forever. But we need to find ways to make it easy for school counsellors to encourage kids to go into apprenticeships--to find opportunities to introduce kids to the trades as sexy.
I once said to a group of tradespeople who wanted to know how to get junior high school girls into the trades: You have a TV commercial that shows this woman emerge in her welding outfit; she pulls off her helmet, takes off her goggles, and her glorious hair falls out. She says, “I welded that whole piece without breaking a nail.” They said that was so unfeminine. I said, “You want to get junior high school girls--there's the makeup counter.”
We need to change the way we talk about the trades, and we need to make opportunities for people. We need to support employers to be able to hire apprentices. We need to see them as an investment.