I asked you earlier how we could stop the labour shortage. Mr. Wassmansdorf, you gave me an idea.
We have a tendency to turn our eyes towards Mexicans, but why wouldn't we turn them towards aboriginal people? They are, among Canadians, those who have the most children. On the other hand, it is in reserves that the suicide rate is the highest and this, because they have nothing to do. Those people have been around here for quite a while and they are used to work. I think the North is for us an untapped wealth.
I don't mean by this that I would like to empty reserves, especially since this would mean emptying my district. It remains that aboriginal people are an extraordinary resource. Why wouldn't we first of all give some training to our Canadians? I know that aboriginal people work well. I remember that in my youth, when a very high bridge was built, aboriginal people were virtually the only ones to be brave enough to work on the top.
Aboriginal people are a natural wealth. Why wouldn't we seize this opportunity to help them also?