Thank you very much, and welcome to winter in Alberta.
We at the Canadian Federation of Independent Business do a great deal of work on skills shortages. That is going to be the focus of my presentation today, and I've had distributed copies of a slide deck that we're using on this front.
CFIB measures the shortage of labour as a statistic that we've collected for many years. I'm going to be focusing on the concern across western Canada. I have breakdowns by province for each of the four western provinces for much of the data in my presentation.
Right now in Alberta, for example, over three-quarters of our members are reporting a shortage of qualified labour, as we put it. When we ask our members what they mean by “qualified”, often they're talking about things like people who will show up at work on time, people who will work a full week without disappearing, so that word has many meanings.
This concern has been growing very rapidly over the last number of years in all four western provinces. In fact, if you look at the numbers, the lowest level of concern right now in the west is in Manitoba, but still, almost two-thirds of our members are reporting a shortage of qualified labour.
We ask our members--and this is a question we get asked a lot--is this a temporary problem because the economy has been very good in the last number of years, or is this a problem that we're likely to be facing for some time, even when the economy eventually cools down a bit? When we and our members look at the demographics facing Canadian employers, our view is that this problem is going to be here for some time to come. In fact, when we survey our members, 78% figure that it's going to be harder to find workers in the next five years than it is today.
It is hard to imagine that in Alberta right now, and in lots of British Columbia, because the concern is very high. That level of concern about the future is very high across western Canada. In fact, it was highest in Saskatchewan, and I think that has a little bit to do with depopulation in some of the rural communities of Saskatchewan.
When we ask our members--and this is an important question we get asked a lot--whether the problem is a skills shortage or a general labour shortage, our members are telling us it's both. In the past, the issue really was a shortage of skills. We've known that we're short of certain trades, such as welders, or perhaps in the health care professions we're short of nurses or doctors, but it has gone beyond that. Our members across Canada, particularly here in western Canada, are saying that not only are they short of skilled workers, but they're short of workers, period, including those at the entry level. That is, of course, a much more difficult public policy challenge to solve.
When we ask our members how they're coping with the skills and labour shortage, 64% of our members across western Canada say they're hiring underqualified individuals, but that means the employer is undertaking some training to bring them up to speed; 51% say they're improving salaries and benefits, which is obviously a challenge, especially in a province like this, for our members, small and medium-sized firms. To try to possibly compete with larger businesses, particularly in the resource sector, is very difficult, and on the salaries and benefits equation, it's often a huge struggle for small and medium-sized firms.
What's most concerning when we ask our members how they're dealing with the skills and labour shortage is that 46% of our members, almost half in western Canada, say they're ignoring business opportunities. That is a very big concern for us. That means that businesses in this province and across the west are taking a pass on business that they know they could get, simply because they don't have the people to put their products and services to market.
That has long-term implications for the Canadian economy, because if Canadian firms, western Canadian firms, ignore business opportunities today, those may not reappear tomorrow, and that employment that could be created goes elsewhere.
There is, of course, some good news in this, so it's not all doom and gloom. We've asked our members their success rates in hiring from underrepresented groups within society. Some very positive results have come out recently in a special survey we did in western Canada. The data in our slide deck shows you our numbers in 2002 and 2005 in terms of hiring of seniors, aboriginals, new immigrants, and the disabled. In all four of those categories, successful hiring has gone up. One of the biggest increases has been in the category of seniors. Seniors are being looked at by small and medium-sized firms increasingly as an opportunity to solve their labour shortages.
The number of businesses that had been successful in hiring seniors went from 22% to 33%. What was also very heartening was that hiring among the disabled went from 14% across the west to 23% across the west. So obviously the strong economy, the narrowing skills, and the labour shortage that we're facing are helping to pull some of these under-represented groups in society into the workforce, and we think that this is a major societal contribution that small and medium-sized firms are making.
I have just a couple of other slides in there that I won't touch on in any great degree, other than to note that we've been working closely with the B.C. government on a training tax credit. They dedicated $90 million over a three-year period to employee training. This is a very difficult thing for small business. Training tax credits, generally speaking, are only accessible by large firms because they have the resources to apply for the credit and track the training that is associated with it, and our members, generally speaking, train informally, which doesn't often get recognized by government agencies. That is a major challenge when we are designing solutions to this problem, but we are working with the B.C. government on that issue. We'd be pleased, of course, to work with the federal government, perhaps using the EI program as a step to try to address the skill shortages facing our members.
That really just summarizes a few of the key concerns that our members are facing here today. I'd be thrilled to take any questions down the road.