We were supporters of the CLBC, and we're disappointed that it became a victim of cuts. While it's certainly not a perfect organization or structure, it did bring the key players to the table. It was the only remaining organization of its kind in Canada that had a Canadian perspective.
Saskatchewan, coincidentally, is the only province in Canada outside of Quebec that continues to have a labour force development board. In Quebec they have the Quebec labour market commission. In Saskatchewan we have the Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board, which is twelve years old, and we're currently engaged in a process of reinvestment in that board.
Obviously, with any type of an organization that's cross-sectoral, that brings business, labour, and government to the table, you have to continue to reinvest in making sure it works. We had come to the conclusion over twelve years that it was starting to spin its wheels, so we engaged a task force to take a look at the mandate, the role of the board, and to see if we could reinvigorate it. We came to a conclusion that while we may not agree on everything, at least we're in the room together having these dialogues and discussions. We've decided that we're going to reinvent the board. I think that within the very near future you'll see a new body emerge that will be more focused on training, aboriginal employment development, youth engagement, identification of the needs, and trying to match labour with jobs in the future.
You don't put the players in the room together to have that dialogue if you cannot set aside differences and work on areas where you agree. Then you're constantly at loggerheads and constantly in an adversarial environment, and that doesn't serve anyone. In a modern, sophisticated society, as we have, we need to work together on some of these very difficult issues we're confronted with, not the least of which is this looming labour shortage that both business and labour are dealing with--small, medium, or large, it doesn't matter. We need to identify areas where we can work together.
That's why we're so disappointed that the CLBC became one of the victims of the cuts. They were engaged in something that they were just starting, called the workplace partners panel. They did it in maritime Canada, and it brought business and labour together. They did a second phase in Saskatchewan, which they just finished. They were going to move to Manitoba and do one there, and they became victims of the cuts.
They're industry-driven. They're chaired by co-chairs from business and labour, with the support of government. They may need to be refined, and we may need to take a look at how they're structured and work to make sure they're relevant in dealing with what it is they need to deal with, but to sacrifice them is a mistake, and we think there needs to be a reinvestment by government in that.