I represent the Provincial Interagency Network on Disability. I am also the executive director of Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities, and Ron Bort is my provincial president.
First I will define the definition of disability, and then I will touch on the barriers that people with disabilities encounter when seeking employment. Finally, I have a number of recommendations that I will present.
For your information, I am going to present you with a disability action plan from Saskatchewan. I will also refer to the “In Unison: A Canadian Approach to Disability Issues” document of 2000 that was presented by the federal-provincial-territorial ministers responsible for social services.
The Disability Discrimination Act defines a person with a disability as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. In Saskatchewan, approximately 70% of all persons on social assistance have disabilities; 19.2% of our population have disabilities; and we're guestimating that by 2010, 25% of the population in Saskatchewan will have some forms of disabilities. The unemployment rate for people with disabilities in Saskatchewan is 29%.
Transportation is a big barrier. It's not available in all areas; the hours of service do not always coincide with employment; the cost is higher than regular service; and the system is overextended in urban centres, where it is available.
On referral services, in Saskatchewan there is a call centre, and all persons wanting to access employment or social assistance have to use that system. Once you're through the call centre, it is necessary to meet a vocational counsellor at CanSask, who will first send you to the Saskatchewan Abilities Council for a vocational assessment. This assessment costs approximately $1,800 and is paid for by the government. After the information is obtained, people with disabilities apparently have a wait time of approximately three months to access service.
After an assessment is completed, the person with the disability returns to the vocational counsellor at CanSask, who then refers them to one of two services in Regina--the South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre, or Partners In Employment, which is also an affiliate of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council.
In Saskatoon there is only one centre, which is Partners In Employment. We did have a SEARCHs here, an employment service, but through the opportunities fund, the funding was cut. The person with the disability requires a vocational assessment to assess service to go through Partners In Employment, and there are no other services.
The vocational counsellor directs the disabled person to the service. We have been told that folks do not have a choice of what they want to take, and are told where to go. The same holds true for referrals. Any referrals for service from other community-based organizations have to go through CanSask and must abide by the above regulations before accessing service.
According to a report filed from Saskatoon, there are 43 companies in the Saskatoon area that offer products, programming, and services to people with disabilities. There are also countless agencies that specialize in specific disabilities, such as Epilepsy Saskatoon, the Saskatchewan Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Inc., and CNIB. It is estimated that there are at least 200 organizations in the province that offer programming and services to people with disabilities.
In Saskatoon, what we see as limiting people with disabilities is not their impairment; it is how society reacts to the person and does not accommodate disabled people. The failure to accommodate may stem from the public's apparent lack of knowledge about people with disabilities.
System barriers. Government legislation provides no incentive to move from social assistance to employment in either full- or part-time low-paying positions. People are punished financially for attempting to work. There are no supports to assist the transition from social services to low-paid income. For example, if you receive a low-paying job you are automatically cut off social assistance. If you had an outstanding power bill from eight years ago it would be due. Those are issues.
Labour. Under government leadership, pay schedules are unequal. People with disabilities perform out-of-scope employment that pays less than people working in scope in the same position. We recognize that barriers to employment by unions is a tenuous issue. Apparently a job accommodation in a unionized environment does not have sufficient or mandated legislation to support employment programs for the disabled. There is a lack of career planning for students with disabilities in high schools.
There are a number of employment barriers. There are a number of provincial-federal funded programs that provide job skills for people with disabilities; however, after the training folks have no places to assist them in finding jobs they have been trained to do.
On social barriers, one of the difficulties of breaking the barriers in large and small businesses in Saskatchewan is the attitude of employers and employees. Over the years there have been awareness-building efforts for employers and employees. The most popular effort was the National Access Awareness Week, which was supported by both the federal and provincial governments. This program provided an educational tool that enabled employers the opportunity to learn about disability in a positive manner. There are still accommodation workshops being delivered; however, they are not publicly funded and are supported solely by community-based organizations.
Since the demise of the funding of these high-profile programs, there appears to be diminished interest and action on the part of business and government to support the issues and implement accommodations, work placements, and jobs for people with disabilities.
The Canada disability program has been revised recently and appears to be a very positive example of how transitional support systems can work. We support and encourage a system to assist people with disabilities access employment, and we encourage the return of an awareness week funded to support organizations to build incentives and activities.
We recommend a standardized, diversified entry system.
We recommend that the provincial government implement a system of standardized qualifications for programs and facilitators.
We recommend that the provincial government develop objectives and standards to produce standardized graduate certificates that meet the needs of today's employers.
We recommend that employers be included in the development of the content, and that universities recognize the need for embedded education for counsellors. There should also be a curriculum developed and implemented in high school.
We recommend that teachers and vocational counsellors in schools be trained in awareness and the skills needed to assist people with disabilities.
I'll leave it at that.