They are much less likely to happen. When there are no replacement workers, where are the flash points where people could attack each other? We have picket lines. I am not saying that it never happens; it happens, but it is much less likely to happen when there are strikebreakers present. Try to imagine, if you are trying to exercise your right to strike and you see people taking over your job, how you might feel. Imagine that, moreover, you are being attacked. It is very hard.
With regard to statistics, I would like to mention another figure that deals with the number of days lost per 1,000 employees. We must always make reasonable comparisons. From 1992 to 2002, according to the Code du travail du Québec: 121 days were lost by 1,000 employees. During the same period and with the same number of employees, 266 days were lost under the Canada Labour Code. This is more than twice as many.