Excusez-moi, Madame, mais je vais prendre mon temps.
I'm here as an individual, and I don't intend to take a position on the bill itself, but I want to address the process by which I believe labour laws are best amended.
During 33 years in the labour department, I saw two major reviews, one in the mid-1960s and the other, in which I was intimately involved as assistant deputy minister, was the Sims review and the legislative changes just mentioned.
Experience has confirmed to me that sound and durable labour relations laws must offer stability and balance to both labour and management in the rules established. Stability is not served by too frequent or piecemeal changes in the rules. The 25 years that elapsed between the two comprehensive revisions provided adequate time to determine what worked well and what, in the light of changing domestic and global circumstances, truly needed attention.
The durability of federal jurisdiction labour laws has been assured because careful study was undertaken, and unions and employers were afforded opportunities for substantive input to the review process, before the rules were established or adjusted.
I've included a long paragraph on the Ontario experience during the 1990s. I'll summarize it by saying that a tradition of carefully planned and consultive labour relations change was tossed aside, first by Premier Rae's government and then with a one-sided amendment bill with minimum consultation. The result was that when Premier Harris came in, he reversed the situation with no consultation, and you had a pendulum effect coming into play, which some people saw as very corrosive. Much of the labour unrest and division during the 1990s in Ontario can be attributed to this lack of process.
That process has been contrasted to what happened at the same time in the federal jurisdiction, and I refer to the review of part 1 of the Canada Labour Code, in which I was involved. The review stretched close to four years, commencing in late 1994 and terminating with the adoption of a revised statute in June 1998. The core of the review was a comprehensive examination undertaken by an expert task force, chaired by Andrew Sims from Alberta, as mentioned, who was accompanied by Paula Knopf from Ontario and Rodrigue Blouin from Quebec.
The task force held hearings across the country, and their report, Seeking a Balance, or Vers l'Équilibre, was the subject of round table consultations, also held across Canada and led by the Minister of Labour.
The task force and the responsible ministers adopted a highly consultative approach. In particular, Mr. Sims assured labour and management that any issues that they could agree on would be seriously considered for inclusion in the task force recommendations. I was privileged to be asked to facilitate a joint consensus committee for that very purpose, and had the pleasure of seeing agreement reached on a number of issues that were ultimately reflected not just in the task force recommendations, but also in the amended statute.
The resulting legislative package reflected a considerable compromise on the part of unions and employers. Like most compromises, it contained elements that one or the other party would have preferred not to include, and omitted things that one or the other party would have liked to include. However, it was a balanced and sufficiently attractive package for labour and management that it was found to be acceptable to the principal organizations representing their interests in the federal jurisdiction.
This joint support was based on the package being maintained in its entirety, and that it not be subject to cherry-picking subtractions or opportunistic additions. The replacement worker issue was a subject that the union movement would have preferred to have included. On the other hand, employer organizations would have preferred to see no treatment of the issue at all. However, it was an issue.
In the 1991 to 1994 period, leading up to the start of the legislative review, there were a total of 48 legal work stoppages in federal jurisdiction, 12 of which involved externally recruited replacements. These latter stoppages were on average five times the length of stoppages in which such replacements were not recruited. The length of stoppages was therefore a consideration, but it was also found that unfair labour practices were present in a number of the disputes. The disputes at the Royal Oak Mines' Giant Mine and Nationair were clear examples.
In addition to dividing labour and management, the replacement worker issue was the only one in which the Sims task force was not unanimous in its recommendations.
In his minority recommendation, Rodrigue Blouin opted for a full-fledged replacement worker ban. The majority recommendation, however, took specific aim at unfair labour practices. It provided for the use of replacement workers during a legal work stoppage, but included a specific remedy that the labour board could invoke if it found that replacement workers were being used to undermine a union's representational capacity rather than the pursuit of legitimate bargaining objectives--in plain language, when union busting was the name of the game. This majority recommendation was included and remains in the amended part I of the Canada Labour Code.
As I stated at the outset, I am not taking a position on what the nature of a replacement worker provision in the Canada Labour Code should be, although I remind you that part I already contains a provision that addresses the use of replacement workers. In my view, however, the process being followed with respect to Bill C-257 risks undermining the stability of the rules by which labour and management conduct their collective bargaining relationships.
In contrast to the intensive consultations held when labour laws have previously been amended, there appears to have been no attempt to reconcile differing views. The process invites retaliation and corrosive pendulum swings in the event of changes in the political conjuncture. It manifestly ignores the delicate balance achieved when part I was last comprehensively reviewed. It offers a one-sided and piecemeal addition to the statute that gives no compensating provision to those who disagree.
The 1998 amendments have worked well. I understand that dispute settlement statistics are positive, and with a few exceptions, work stoppages have been minimal. There has been no need for Parliament to pass emergency back-to-work legislation since the amendments were brought into force. In all, the members of the Sims task force would seem to have found what they were searching for as recorded in their report: “We seek a stable structure within which free collective bargaining will work. We want legislation that is sound, enactable and lasting. We looked for reforms that would allow labour and management to adjust and thrive in the increasingly global workplace.” They did that with the full cooperation of labour and management people working with them.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you, members of the committee.